Tuesday, November 11, 2014

MakerSquare Day 54: Wherever you go, there you are. And your code is there too! (12/1)

We're coming down to the wire here. And as much as I want to look up where that phrase comes from--something about horse-racing, maybe related to a photo finish? or maybe something related to barbed wire and trench warfare in World War I?--I feel a little too busy.

I would love to slow down a bit and tell you all the stuff I'm learning and trying. "Learning" includes a lot of trial and error, so I'm learning a lot with my final projects.

Of course, one of the things I'm learning a lot about is me. (Also: Rails and Foundation.) Which reminds me that, a few weeks ago, while the full-time MakerSquare students were filing out and the part-time students were filing in, I made a joke of the form, "I thought I was learning about JavaScript, but I was really learning about myself."

(If I had had more time to think about it, I might have gone with a Russian reversal joke: "In America, you learn about JavaScript, but in Russia, JavaScript learns about you.")

Besides getting a laugh (which is the point of jokes, right?), it seems that I might have accidentally said something truthful there (which is the real point of jokes, right?).

I mean, working on final projects is a reminder of everything good and bad about yourself. I like working in teams or at least talking through ideas with other people. (Brainstorming for other people is one of my favorite things. What do you need? A title? An app idea? A villain for your superhero RPG? Whatever it is, I want to brainstorm with you about it.) So working on a project all by myself--not my ideal situation.

Similarly, I love doing research before attempting something; but, at least in this situation, I've learned a lot by just getting in there. As I learned as a kid, breaking something is one of the best ways to learn how it works and how to fix it (and how to run faster than my older brother). So that day that I spent reading the docs for Foundation wasn't any more helpful than the hours I've spent wrestling with putting that into practice.

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