Which involves getting myself up to speed on Elixir, a functional, concurrent language built on top of the Erlang Virtual Machine. (Shout out here to my 10+ year old comp sci class for covering virtual machines. Of course, we couldn't cover Elixir back then, since Elixir is only 2 or so years old.) And so, I'm declaring the first week of December, Elixir Week.
Elixir Week, Day One
Thankfully, I had no trouble installing Elixir with just
brew install elixir
on my MacBook, which nicely installed Erlang as well. I've seen so many hours gets eaten by some seemingly simple step that I'm always thankful when this first step goes smoothly.(If it doesn't for you, there's a few different methods for installing Elixir, some more involved than others, and hopefully one will work for you. See here for installation instructions.)
And so I could dive right into the official (I guess) Getting Started guide for Elixir, which starts, as most guides do, by talking about basic types, like integers, strings, and atoms.
Er, what's an atom? In Ruby, we'd call it a Symbol, but the Elixir guide goes on to define an atom:
Atoms are constants where their name is their own value.And already I know this is a language that Jorge Luis Borges would love. There's a lot more in that getting started guide, but I just want to point out (for myself) some things that will be useful to remember.
> When talking about a function, the convention is name / arity, where arity is how many parameters it takes. So: IO.puts/1 refers to a function (IO.puts) that takes one parameter.
> To get help about a function, type h and then the function name/arity.
> Elixir data types are immutable. (Not news, but something I'm going to need repeated.)
Books and JIT learning
Reading up on Elixir is fun, but reading about a language is, let's say, only the first step in getting to know a language. Trust me: I used to pronounce "awry" as "aw-ree" because I only ever saw it in books.
I'm not sure if there's an ideal way to learn a language; it probably differs for everyone. For me, I like a little abstract learning and a little getting-my-hands-dirty in equal measure. So while I've been reading the Getting Started guide, I've occasionally turned to my Elixir terminal and tried a few things. "Oh, I can do a boolean AND like this--but can I do it like this?"
Which is to say that I'm a big fan of just-in-time learning. I can pack my head full of data about a language, but they only start to become real information when I put it into practice. (Or: fail to put it into practice. That's a teachable moment right there.)
And that's why I have a complicated relationship with many coding books. Give me a book with some coding challenges interspersed and I'm pretty happy. Don't--and I won't be. Which is why right now, while I'm in San Angelo, I'm flipping though a library book on Git. It's not a deep dive into all the mechanics of Git. (Do I really need to know the history of Git to do my job? Probably not.) But it is one of those aforementioned projects that I'm trying to wind down before work starts.
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